Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fact File: Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are definitely my favorite beans, and they are probably one of the most well-known.


Pinto beans are a light brown color when cooked, but when they are dried, they have dark and light brown patches. They are commonly used in Mexican dishes, and they are usually in the re-fried form. 

Origin: Theses beans were introduced to South America by Spanish explorers in the 15th century. 

Growing Season: Many beans are in season in September, and pinto beans are too. 

When they are ripe: Make sure that the pods of the plant are firm and plump. 

Health Benefits: 

-Lots of fiber
-Lots of Iron
-Copper and Manganese
-Lots of Protein
-Lowers the risk of a heart attack
-gives you energy
-Stabilizes blood sugar
-Helps with sensitivities to sulfates
-Maintains Memory

How to cook and prepare: 

Like all the other beans, if they are dry, soak them before you eat them. 

Visit this website: ( for a good seasoning recipe for the beans

Fun Facts:

-one cup of raw pinto beans (that are cooked) has 42 grams of protein!


Dry beans are toxic!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Fact File: Northern Beans

Northern beans are probably the least known out of all beans, but they still have important nutrition content.

Characteristics: Northern beans are white and have a light nutty flavor. 

Origin: South American Indians were thought to be the first people to grow these beans. 

Growing Season: These beans take 65-90 days to grow. They are in season around summer. 

When they are ripe: When the beans are enlarged and and dry they are ready to pick

Health Benefits: 

-High in Iron
-High in Dietary Fiber
-High in Protein
-Full of Minerals and a great source of many different vitamins

How to cook and prepare them:

If you are buying dry beans, prepare them the same that you would prepare any other dried bean. These bans are great in chili and some Mexican dishes. A good seasoning to add to the beans could be:

-1 lb. of dry northern beans
-1 yellow onion
-2 bay leaves
-salt and pepper (for taste)

1. Put the beans in a pot to boil
2. Set aside for an hour, then transfer to another pot and put the onion and bay leaves in it.
3. Stir occasionally. Cook for 1-1 1/2 hours until beans are tender.

Fun facts: 

-Northern beans are often confused with another type of bean, the navy bean, which is slightly smaller.
-National bean day is January 6th
-1 cup of beans is about 14 grams of protein.

Warnings: Some people may be allergic to beans.

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