Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fact File: Lima Beans

Whether you call these beans Lima beans, butter beans, or sieva beans, these beans are a very wonderful type of bean indeed!

Characteristics: Lima beans are green, and are similar to edamame, except they are softer. They don't have that strong of a flavor.

Image result for lima beans

Origin: It is a native plant of South and Central America.

Growing Season: They are in season in the summer and fall. They grow for 60-90 days and are best planted in late spring.

When they are ripe: Pick the pods when they are good and firm.

Health benefits: These beans have a lot of health benefits that are very good.

-Heart Healthy
-Boosts your energy levels
-Prevents Diabetes
-Good immune support -Prevents Chronic illnesses
    -High fiber content supports digestive health
    -Good for your circulatory system
-High protein

How to cook and prepare them: Check out this recipe for how to cook Lima beans! (source 9)

Fun Facts: 

-Lima beans grow in bushes
-Lima bean plants make white and yellow flowers
-A lot of people call these beans butter beans

Warnings: Raw beans are toxic!

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