Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fact File: Beets

Beets are a very interesting vegetable. They have two different parts that people eat. I have never personally had any or really heard of beets a lot, but they are a favorite for some people.


Beets can come in multiple colors, such as: red, white, and yellow. They are round, and have leaves coming out of the top. They are very pungent in color, and many people use them as a natural red or purple dye. The leaves are very similar to Swiss chard, and taste a lot like it too.

Origin: Remains of ancient beets were found in the Third Dynasty Saqqara Pyramid, in Thebes, Egypt. There was also evidence in the early civilization of Mesopotamia.

Growing Season: Beets grow in cooler months, and are in season in summer and early fall.

When they are ripe: They take 50-70 days to grow. There is no specific time when they are ripe, you can pick them whenever you want to.

Health Benefits: 

-Contains Folic acid (which helps your body create new cells)
-Cleanses colon
-Cleanses blood
-Immunity booster
-Fights Cancer
-Heals Acne
-Help cure boils and abscesses
-Strengthens gallbladder and liver
-Prevents heart disease
-Good source of iron
-Vitamin A, C, and Niacin
-Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorous

How to Cook and Prepare them: 

Check out this website for this recipe, ( Here are the steps:


-12 beets
-3 tbs of olive oil
-1 1/2 tsp thyme leaves (drop of thyme oil)
-2 tsp of salt
-1 tsp of black pepper (drop of black pepper oil)
-2 tbs raspberry vinegar
-Juice of 1 orange (1-2 drops of orange oil)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Remove the top root of the beet and peel them
3. Cut the beets into 1 1/2 inch chunks
4. Place the beets on a cooking sheet
5. Put the thyme, salt, pepper, and put them on the beets
6. Roast fr 35-40 minutes
7. Take them out and toss them with the vinegar and orange

Fun Facts: 

-Beets contain a substance that relaxes your mind and helps with depression
-It can cure dandruff
-Beet juice is often used as a natural red dye
-Beets can be used in wine and burgers


Beets can possibly cause kidney damage if you eat too much of them. If you have any sort of kidney disease, refrain from eating large amounts of beets.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fact File: Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are definitely my favorite beans, and they are probably one of the most well-known.


Pinto beans are a light brown color when cooked, but when they are dried, they have dark and light brown patches. They are commonly used in Mexican dishes, and they are usually in the re-fried form. 

Origin: Theses beans were introduced to South America by Spanish explorers in the 15th century. 

Growing Season: Many beans are in season in September, and pinto beans are too. 

When they are ripe: Make sure that the pods of the plant are firm and plump. 

Health Benefits: 

-Lots of fiber
-Lots of Iron
-Copper and Manganese
-Lots of Protein
-Lowers the risk of a heart attack
-gives you energy
-Stabilizes blood sugar
-Helps with sensitivities to sulfates
-Maintains Memory

How to cook and prepare: 

Like all the other beans, if they are dry, soak them before you eat them. 

Visit this website: ( for a good seasoning recipe for the beans

Fun Facts:

-one cup of raw pinto beans (that are cooked) has 42 grams of protein!


Dry beans are toxic!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Fact File: Northern Beans

Northern beans are probably the least known out of all beans, but they still have important nutrition content.

Characteristics: Northern beans are white and have a light nutty flavor. 

Origin: South American Indians were thought to be the first people to grow these beans. 

Growing Season: These beans take 65-90 days to grow. They are in season around summer. 

When they are ripe: When the beans are enlarged and and dry they are ready to pick

Health Benefits: 

-High in Iron
-High in Dietary Fiber
-High in Protein
-Full of Minerals and a great source of many different vitamins

How to cook and prepare them:

If you are buying dry beans, prepare them the same that you would prepare any other dried bean. These bans are great in chili and some Mexican dishes. A good seasoning to add to the beans could be:

-1 lb. of dry northern beans
-1 yellow onion
-2 bay leaves
-salt and pepper (for taste)

1. Put the beans in a pot to boil
2. Set aside for an hour, then transfer to another pot and put the onion and bay leaves in it.
3. Stir occasionally. Cook for 1-1 1/2 hours until beans are tender.

Fun facts: 

-Northern beans are often confused with another type of bean, the navy bean, which is slightly smaller.
-National bean day is January 6th
-1 cup of beans is about 14 grams of protein.

Warnings: Some people may be allergic to beans.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fact File: Lima Beans

Whether you call these beans Lima beans, butter beans, or sieva beans, these beans are a very wonderful type of bean indeed!

Characteristics: Lima beans are green, and are similar to edamame, except they are softer. They don't have that strong of a flavor.

Image result for lima beans

Origin: It is a native plant of South and Central America.

Growing Season: They are in season in the summer and fall. They grow for 60-90 days and are best planted in late spring.

When they are ripe: Pick the pods when they are good and firm.

Health benefits: These beans have a lot of health benefits that are very good.

-Heart Healthy
-Boosts your energy levels
-Prevents Diabetes
-Good immune support -Prevents Chronic illnesses
    -High fiber content supports digestive health
    -Good for your circulatory system
-High protein

How to cook and prepare them: Check out this recipe for how to cook Lima beans! (source 9)

Fun Facts: 

-Lima beans grow in bushes
-Lima bean plants make white and yellow flowers
-A lot of people call these beans butter beans

Warnings: Raw beans are toxic!

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Fact File: Kidney Beans

You might be sick of hearing me talk about beans, but we do have a lot more of them to come! Beans are important part of some people's diet though. People who are vegetarians cannot eat meat, and therefore do not get as much protein. All beans do have a lot of protein, so it is a good source of that, and many other nutrients. 

Characteristics: Kidney beans, miraculously got their name from their shape, which is similar to a human kidney. Like most other red beans, they have sort of a strong earthy flavor. 

Image result for kidney beans 

Origin: These beans originated from Peru thousands of years ago. 

Growing Season: Kidney beans are planted in late spring. If they are planted to soon, the seeds will rot and the beans will not grow. They are harvested near the end of the summer or early autumn. 

When they are ripe: They are ripe when they have grown for 95-115 days.

Health benefits: All beans generally have the same health benefits, but kidney beans have some that are unique to them.

-Full of fiber and molybdenum
-Lowers risk of heart attack
-Gives energy
-Stabilizes blood sugar
-Helps to replenish iron stores
-Helps people have a better memory
-Good source of manganese
-Lots of protein
-Reduces bad cholesterol

How to cook and prepare them: These directions are only if the beans are dried.

1. Put the beans over a pot on the stove.
2. Add water until it is 2 inches above the highest bean
3. Boil for 1 1/2 hours.
4. If foam develops, skim it off.

For faster cooking, cook them in a pressure cooker for 1/2 hour!

Fun Facts:

-One cup of kidney beans has 15 grams of protein in it, and only .9 grams of fat!
-These beans got their name from their shape.


-They have a high oxalate content which can be bad for people with certain medical conditions
-Raw kidney beans are toxic

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Fact File: Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)

Who's ready for a cheesy bean pun?

What did the chickpea say when he had a stomach ache?

"I falafel!" 

(i feel awful, and chickpeas are made to make falafels)

Anyways, whether you call them by garbanzo or chickpea, you most likely have not just eaten them plain. They are most commonly found in hummus. They don't look like much, but they have a lot of good health benefits. 

Characteristics: Chickpeas kind of look a little shriveled, and come to a point at the end. They are kind of a light tan hue, and when mashed, they have a very unique texture and taste that some people may not like.

Image result for chickpea

Origin: These beans are the oldest and most relied on bean in the world. It is actually a member of the pea family.

Growing Season: Chickpea planting begins in early to late spring. They take 90-100 days to grow, so they should be ready in mid to late summer.

When they are ripe: Once the plant is brown and shriveled, they are ready to harvest.

Health benefits: Chickpeas are surprisingly healthy for how small and non-mighty they look.

-Promotes heart health: helps to reduce cholesterol and prevent heart attacks
-Helps prevent genetic defects
-Contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and copper that make strong bones
-Diabetes management
-Prevents digestive problems
-Stops chronic diseases
-Lots of protein for a protein boost!

How to cook and prepare: Chickpeas are relatively easy to prepare, but you probably would not want to eat them plain. For the benefit of chickpeas and other good things, here is a link to a healthy homemade hummus recipe!

Image result for hummus

We will not feature this recipe, but here it is anyway so you can try it! It is very good!

Fun Facts:

-Chickpeas are the oldest known legume on Earth!
-There are 90 different species of chickpeas
-Chickpeas have a lot of different names. Here are a few: chickpea, garbanzo bean, Bengal gram, Egyptian pea
-The leaves of chickpeas make blue dye
-India is the world's top producer of chickpeas

Warnings: You should not eat these if you are suffering from kidney stones.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Fact File: Black Beans

Everyone knows how wonderful beans are, and pretty much everyone knows this special song about beans:

Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot. 
The more you toot, the better you feel. So let's eat beans for every meal!

That song is so immature, but everyone knows it's true. Whether it's in Mexican food, dips, or just plain beans, they are most likely going to make people have a little bit of flatulence. Other than that, beans are very nutritious, and delicious!

Characteristics: All beans are small ovals, with a kind of thick skin, with a mushy inside. Black beans, of course, are black. Black beans do not have a strong taste. 

Image result for black beans

Origin: Beans originated from central and South America. 

Growing Season: Beans start growing in the ground, and grow for 100-140 until they are ready to harvest. 

When they are ripe: When you break the bean pods and you hear a snap, they are ready. 

Health Benefits: We all know beans are full of fiber, but there is a lot more than just that.

-Prevention of cardiovascular disease
-Supports good digestive health
-Regulates blood sugar levels
-Beneficial for nervous system functions
-Reduces chanced of birth defects
-Full of fiber
-Beans are also full of: potassium, protein, calcium, Vitamin A, Iron, Manganese
-Prevents cancer

How to cook and prepare: If you buy canned beans, then ignore these next directions. These are only if you buy dry beans.

1. Wash the beans
2. Soak beans for 4-6 hours or overnight
3. Put the beans in a pot and cover with 2-3 inches of water
4. Boil for 45-60 minutes
5. If you are adding seasonings, wait until the beans are fully cooked

Fun Facts:

-Black beans are also called black turtle beans
-The Latinos have been using beans for thousands of years

Warnings: Don't eat dry beans! Make sure you cook them first so neutralize the effects of phytic acid. 

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