Characteristics: Broccoli is a flower. It is green, and has a thick, stringy stalk. The top of the broccoli is filled with tiny flowers. It is crunchy when it is raw, and when it gets cooked enough, it can turn more mushy.
Origin: Broccoli originated from humans. It was bred from a wild cabbage plant, near Italy.
Growing Season: Broccoli blooms from early summer through mid-fall.
When they are ripe: They are ripe when all the flowers are closed. When you start to see the flowers bloom, it is overripe.
Health Benefits: Like the artichokes, there are numerous health benefits to eating broccoli. If you like it, broccoli, or any vegetable is better for you when it is raw. When you cook it, it cooks out a lot of the nutrients and vitamins.
Here is a list of the health benefits:
-Medicinal effects: can help people against some cancers
-Improves digestive
-Lowers cholesterol
-Detoxifies your body
-Prevents allergic reactions
-Maximizes vitamin and mineral intake
-Protects skin
-Prevents birth defects
-Strengthens immune system
-Eliminates inflammation
-Improves vision and ocular health
How to cook: There are many ways to cook broccoli, but you can always eat it raw.
If you want to steam:
If you bought frozen broccoli that is already cut, you can ignore the first few steps.
1. Wash the broccoli
2. Cut about three inches of the bottom stalk.
3. Cut the broccoli into small pieces.
4. Put the broccoli into a steamer pot
5. Cook the broccoli until it is tender, about 4-5 minutes.
Fun Facts: Broccoli is also related to the cabbage family, and was bred from humans.
Warnings: Some people may have allergies to broccoli!
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Thanks for posting! Good information!!