Thursday, February 9, 2017

Introduction to a healthy diet

Hi again!

Our first topic that we will be discussing will be about having a healthy diet.

My doctor told me this: In order to be healthy, you need exercise, enough sleep, and a healthy diet. Having a healthy diet is definitely the hardest, and the most important.

There are many components, and a lot of this is part of the famous My Plate program.

The My Plate program is simple, you have 5/6 of the different food categories.

If you do not know, the six categories are: grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, and sweets.

Half of the plate is fruits and vegetables, and the other half is grains and proteins. On the top of the plate, you have dairy (assuming that you have a glass of milk).

Most of the time, we have more grains, proteins, and dairy than anything else. Most people just eat fruit for one meal, and vegetables for another.

Take pizza for example. Pizza is basically crust (grains), sauce (vegetables), cheese (dairy), and maybe some other toppings (which mostly consists of vegetables and meat). If you just have one or two pieces of cheese pizza for dinner, that is not really what the whole My Plate is all about.

They are trying to promote more balanced diets, so people are eating just as much fruits and vegetables as they are grains and proteins.

Let's go back to the pizza for a moment. So let's say now you have pepperoni pizza, with a piece of fruit, and a glass of milk. That is more balanced and healthy than just the pizza.

It is very important to have a balanced diet. Just because you have one piece of fruit and ten pieces of candy does not mean that is healthy. Always keep these principals in mind when you go out to eat too.

For more information about the my plate program, go to:

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  1. This is a wonderful blog! I love living a healthy lifestyle! It is always good to be reminded of healthier options! I love this and will refer to it frequently!
