Saturday, February 11, 2017

Vegetable Fact Files Intro

So now you know about the starting components of a healthy diet, and know some information about the grains portion, now we will discuss probably the hardest parts: the fruits and vegetables.

I think the hardest part for people when it comes to fruits and veggies is the fact that they are perishable and don't last a long time, and some can have little or no flavor. Also considering the fact that if a kid doesn't like a certain thing, the parents might not feed it to their children and may eventually start to weed it out of their diet too. Problems also arise when something isn't in season. 

Take strawberries for example. Strawberries are great in late spring and summer time, but almost every other time they just taste kind of, well, meh. Apples are another great example. Everyone knows when the leaves start falling, they hit the cider mills and stock up on apple cider and apples of all kinds. 

Now, we will post the fruit and veggies Fact Files. We will tell you about almost every vegetable and fruit that is commonly found everywhere in American stores. You will know all the health benefits, growing seasons, characteristics, and things that you probably would never have guessed about your favorite fruits and veggies. Later, we will post recipes using all these different superfoods. 

We will start with vegetables, and I believe the first one will be artichokes. 

Thanks for reading, and please share and follow us! If you haven't had a chance yet, please take the poll at the bottom of the screen. 

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