Characteristics: it has a light cabbage taste, and it can grow up to 1-2 feet tall. They are white at the bottom and green and leafy at the top.

Origin: It originated from China, and from Chinese cabbage.
Growing Season: Bok Choy takes 45-50 days to grow, and grows best in spring and fall. They are in season through the winter months.
When they are ripe: They are ripe when they are about 12-18 inches tall.
Health Benefits: There are not that many health benefits to bok choy, but there are still some good things about it.
-It has a lot of antioxidants, including: vitamins A, C, K
-promotes strong bone health.
-heart healthy: contains vitamin B-6 and folate that can help to prevent against cardiovascular diseases.
-cancer protection: the sulfur compounds may lower the risk of cancer.
How to cook/prepare: You can eat bok choy raw or cook them like this:
1. Add olive oil and garlic and spices
1. Heat over a medium skillet
2. Cook for 5-8 minutes
Fun Facts:
-Bok choy is in the cabbage family, even though it looks like celery
-Bok Choy is also called Pak Choi
-The Chinese have been using these vegetables for over 5,000 years
-Bok Choy grows in parts of California and Canada
Warnings: If you eat too much of this, there is a possibility you might get in a coma! (but only of you eat a ridiculous amount)
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